Greetings and statements of (new)ICP

(new)Italian Communist Party

Central Committee




BP3 4, rue Lénine 93451 L'Île St Denis (Francia)


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Greeting to the 21th Congress of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE)

23th June 2021

To the Presidency and the delegates of the 21th Congress of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE)

Dear comrades,

the Central Committee of the (new)Italian Communist Party sends a warm and brotherly greeting to the Presidency and to delegates and wishes full success at the 21th Congress of the Communist Party of Greece.

The coronavirus pandemic has deflagrated the general crisis of the world imperialist system which has been protracted for some time, produced by the contradictions of the capitalist mode of production, in particular by the absolute overproduction of capital. The discontent, the intolerance and the revolt against the effects of the crisis of the capitalist mode of production widen and sharpen also among the popular masses of the imperialist countries, although a fairly deep understanding of the real origin of the evils that afflict them is still little widespread among them. However, more favorable conditions for the rebirth of the conscious and organized communist movement have been created. Only this will end the period of the black reaction happened after the exhaustion of the world first wave of the socialist revolution. Only the advancement and victory of the socialist revolution at least in some imperialist countries can start the end of the catastrophic course of the things that the imperialist bourgeoisie forces to mankind. We hope that in this context your Congress gives an important contribution to the rebirth even in our country.

The XX century was the century of the first wave of the proletarian revolution, combination of the socialist revolution and of the anti-colonial and anti-imperialist revolution. Following the victory of the October Revolution, the constitution of the Communist International and the building of socialism in the USSR, communist parties were established in every corner of the world and the first socialist countries were formed: the people’s republics of Eastern Europe, Korea and China, in Cuba, Vietnam and Laos.

The main reason of the defeat suffered by the communist movement and of the exhaustion of the world first wave of the proletarian revolution were the limits of the communist parties in understanding the conditions, form and results of the class struggle in the imperialist countries and in the first socialist countries.

KKE played its particular role in the socialist revolution in Europe and then in making the summation of the communist movement in Europe. Today KKE incites all the communist parties to make the summation of the first wave of the proletarian revolution and to draw lessons for the rebirth. We hope to do with the Central Committee that will be elected by your 21th Congress 1. an honest and open debate on the summation of the past and 2. to develop with it fruitful initiatives for the rebirth of the conscious and organized communist movement, in particular in imperialist countries and, thus, contribute to the development of the second wave of the socialist revolution.

Long live the Communist Party of Greece!

Proletarians and oppressed people from all over the world, unite!